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18–20 April

The EGCC Summit gathers European and global Christian funders (representatives of Christian foundations, individual Christian givers, entrepreneurs and leaders of national giving collaborations) who want to collaborate in resourcing the advancement of God’s Kingdom in Europe. 


Our goal for the Summit is to create an environment where givers can feel safe and where relationships and connections at a deeper level can thrive. 

Prague, Czechia

Transformational Experiences
  • Environment fostering fellowship & networking with like-minded people

  • Encouragement, inspiration, spiritual formation and learning

Sneak peek into the EGCC Prague Summit

Qualifications to Attend

The EGCC Summit brings together a global community of Christian high capacity givers as well as key leaders of national generosity movements who share a passion for growing God’s Kingdom in Europe. Peer-to-peer relationships based on mutual understanding and like-mindedness are vital prerequisites for creating a safe environment.  Sharing similar joys and challenges with trust and openness can lead to and foster deeper-level connections. New invitees are considered upon an endorsement of a friend connected to the EGCC community.  The EGCC Summit is therefore an invitation-only event.

No Solicitation Policy

The EGCC Prague Summit’s primary goal is to create a safe environment that fosters deeper connection among like-minded people through relationships based on mutual trust. Therefore, solicitation or fundraising of any kind are NOT permitted at EGCC Prague Summit.

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